Memories on Turkey

11/08/2015 21:45

It was great practice exercise for English. You can learn everything, try everything, but what you can say, that´s  what you really know. When you are in another country when you can use only English, you can learn English. This is a great way for modern school programme. Really big thanks is to people who prepared on this, my „adoptive parents“, to Deniz, and all children in the project. Thanks.
Simon Solár, student from Slovakia


In May we visited our friends in our partner school in Dikili, Turkey and again, as always, it was a great adventure. The time we spent together was unforgetable and experiences we had unrepeatable. The host teachers and families were extremely friendly and kind, they took care about our needs and about good atmosphere during the whole stay. They showed us their school, town, country, they performed their dances and presented their culture, they offered us their traditional meals. The families looked after students excelently and prepared rich free time programme for them. This visit changed my perception of Turkish lifestyle and culture. It opened my mind and heart and I am very grateful for this chance.
Eva Foltánová, teacher from Slovakia


Last week, me and my teachers visited Dikili, a town in Turkey. It was fantastic. At first I was a little afraid but my host family was great and Mert, the child that hosted me, was the best. Dikili is build by the sea and there were a lot of parks. We visited Pergamon and Ephesus, ancient Greek towns. They were really great and we felt overwhelmed. My favourite time was when all the Comenius children played beach volley and then we watched a traditional Turkish wedding. I hope I will visit Turkey again sometime and that Mert will visit Greece.

Pantelis, student from Greece